
For an alphabetical listing of all commands, check out the Index

The GPkit Package

Lightweight GP Modeling Package

For examples please see the examples folder.


numpy MOSEK or CVXOPT scipy(optional): for complete sparse matrix support sympy(optional): for latex printing in iPython Notebook


settings : dict
Contains settings loaded from ./env/settings

Disables signomial support in a particular instance of GPkit.


Disables units support in a particular instance of GPkit.

Posynomials created after calling this are incompatible with those created before.

If gpkit is imported multiple times, this needs to be run each time.

The correct way to call this is:
import gpkit gpkit.disable_units()
The following will not have the intended effect:
from gpkit import disable_units disable_units()

Enables signomial support in a particular instance of GPkit.


Enables units support in a particular instance of GPkit.

Posynomials created after calling this are incompatible with those created before.

If gpkit is imported multiple times, this needs to be run each time.



Module for creating GeometricProgram instances.


>>> gp = gpkit.GeometricProgram(cost, constraints, substitutions)
class gpkit.geometric_program.GPSolutionArray

Bases: gpkit.small_classes.DictOfLists

DictofLists extended with posynomial substitution.


Returns array of each solution’s sensitivity substituted into p

Returns only scalar values.


Returns PosyArray of each solution substituted into p.

table(tables=['cost', 'freevariables', 'sweptvariables', 'constants', 'sensitivities'], fixedcols=True)
class gpkit.geometric_program.GeometricProgram(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gpkit.model.Model

Holds a model and cost function for passing to solvers.

cost : Constraint
Posynomial to minimize when solving
constraints : list of (lists of) Constraints
Constraints to maintain when solving (MonoEQConstraints will be turned into <= and >= constraints)
substitutions : dict {varname: float or int} (optional)
Substitutions to be applied before solving (including sweeps)
solver : str (optional)
Name of solver to use
options : dict (optional)
Options to pass to solver
>>> gp = gpkit.GeometricProgram(  # minimize
                    [   # subject to
                        Re <= (rho/mu)*V*(S/A)**0.5,
                        C_f >= 0.074/Re**0.2,
                        W <= 0.5*rho*S*C_L*V**2,
                        W <= 0.5*rho*S*C_Lmax*V_min**2,
                        W >= W_0 + W_w,
                        W_w >= W_w_surf + W_w_strc,
                        C_D >= C_D_fuse + C_D_wpar + C_D_ind
                    ], substitutions)
>>> gp.solve()
model_nums = defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {})
solve(*args, **kwargs)
test(solver=None, printing=False, skipfailures=False)


Module for creating models.

Currently these are only used for GP instances, but they may be further abstractable.

class gpkit.model.Model

Bases: object

Abstract class with substituion, loading / saving, and p_idx/A generation

genA(allpos=True, printing=True)
sub(substitutions, val=None, frombase='last', replace=True)

Substitutes into a model, modifying it in place.

gp.sub({‘x’: 1, y: 2}) gp.sub(x, 3, replace=True)

substitutions : dict or key
Either a dictionary whose keys are strings, Variables, or VarKeys, and whose values are numbers, or a string, Variable or Varkey.
val : number (optional)
If the substitutions entry is a single key, val holds the value
frombase : string (optional)
Which model state to update. By default updates the current state.
replace : boolean (optional, default is True)
Whether the substitution should only subtitute currently unsubstituted values (False) or should also make replacements of current substitutions (True).

No return value: the model is modified in place.


Signomial, Posynomial, Monomial, Constraint, & MonoEQCOnstraint classes

class gpkit.nomials.Constraint(p1, p2)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.Posynomial

A constraint of the general form monomial > posynomial Stored internally (exps, cs) as a single Posynomial (1 >= self) Usually initialized via operator overloading, e.g. cc = y**2 >= 1 + x Additionally stores input format (lhs vs rhs) in self.right and self.left Form is self.left >= self.right.

TODO: this documentation needs to address Signomial Constraints.

class gpkit.nomials.MonoEQConstraint(p1, p2)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.Constraint

A Constraint of the form Monomial == Monomial. Stored internally as a Monomial Constraint, (1 == self).

class gpkit.nomials.Monomial(exps=None, cs=1, varlocsandkeys=None, require_positive=True, **descr)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.Posynomial

A Posynomial with only one term

Same as Signomial. Note: Monomial historically supported several different init formats

These will be deprecated in the future, replaced with a single __init__ syntax, same as Signomial.
class gpkit.nomials.Posynomial(exps=None, cs=1, varlocsandkeys=None, require_positive=True, **descr)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.Signomial

A Signomial with strictly positive cs

Same as Signomial. Note: Posynomial historically supported several different init formats

These will be deprecated in the future, replaced with a single __init__ syntax, same as Signomial.
class gpkit.nomials.Signomial(exps=None, cs=1, varlocsandkeys=None, require_positive=True, **descr)

Bases: object

A representation of a signomial.

exps: tuple of dicts
Exponent dicts for each monomial term
cs: tuple
Coefficient values for each monomial term
varlocsandkeys: dict
mapping from variable name to list of indices of monomial terms that variable appears in
require_positive: bool
If True and signomials not enabled, c <= 0 will raise ValueError

Signomial Posynomial (if the input has only positive cs) Monomial (if the input has one term and only positive cs)


Derivative of this with respect to a Variable

wrt (Variable):
Variable to take derivative with respect to

Signomial (or Posynomial or Monomial)

sub(substitutions, val=None, require_positive=True)

Returns a nomial with substitued values.

3 == (x**2 + y).sub({‘x’: 1, y: 2}) 3 == (x).gp.sub(x, 3)

substitutions : dict or key
Either a dictionary whose keys are strings, Variables, or VarKeys, and whose values are numbers, or a string, Variable or Varkey.
val : number (optional)
If the substitutions entry is a single key, val holds the value
require_positive : boolean (optional, default is True)
Controls whether the returned value can be a signomial.

Returns substituted nomial.

subcmag(substitutions, val=None)

Self, with values substituted for variables that have values

float, if no symbolic variables remain after substitution (Monomial, Posynomial, or Signomial), otherwise.


Module for creating PosyArray instances.


>>> x = gpkit.Monomial('x')
>>> px = gpkit.PosyArray([1, x, x**2])
class gpkit.posyarray.PosyArray

Bases: numpy.ndarray

A Numpy array with elementwise inequalities and substitutions.

input_array : array-like

>>> px = gpkit.PosyArray([1, x, x**2])

Self, sampled one index down, with zeropad


Returns the array and argument’s outer product.


Self, sampled one index up, with zeropad

sub(subs, val=None, require_positive=True)

Substitutes into the array


Miscellaneous small classes

class gpkit.small_classes.CootMatrix

Bases: gpkit.small_classes.CootMatrix

A very simple sparse matrix representation.

append(row, col, data)
shape = (None, None)

Converts to a Scipy sparse coo_matrix


alias of CootMatrix

class gpkit.small_classes.DictOfLists

Bases: dict

A hierarchy of dicionaries, with lists at the bottom.


Appends a dict (of dicts) of lists to all held lists.


Indexes into each list independently.


Converts all lists into arrays.

class gpkit.small_classes.HashVector(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

A simple, sparse, string-indexed vector. Inherits from dict.

The HashVector class supports element-wise arithmetic: any undeclared variables are assumed to have a value of zero.

arg : iterable

>>> x = gpkit.nomials.Monomial('x')
>>> exp = gpkit.small_classes.HashVector({x: 2})
class gpkit.small_classes.PosyTuple(exps, cs, varlocs, substitutions)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2

gpkit.small_classes.append_dict(i, o)

Recursviely travels dict o and appends items found in i.

class gpkit.small_classes.count

Bases: object

gpkit.small_classes.enlist_dict(i, o)

Recursviely copies dict i into o, placing non-dict items into lists.

gpkit.small_classes.enray_dict(i, o)

Recursively turns lists into numpy arrays.

gpkit.small_classes.index_dict(idx, i, o)

Recursviely travels dict i, placing items at idx into dict o.


gpkit.small_scripts.diff(p, vk)
gpkit.small_scripts.flatten(ible, classes)

Flatten an iterable that contains other iterables

l : Iterable
Top-level container
out : list
List of all objects found in the nested iterables
If an object is found whose class was not in classes
gpkit.small_scripts.invalid_types_for_oper(oper, a, b)

Raises TypeError for unsupported operations.


Determines if a given substitution indicates a sweep.

gpkit.small_scripts.isequal(a, b)

From exponents form a dictionary of which monomials each variable is in.


Return magnitude of a Number or Quantity

gpkit.small_scripts.mono_approx(p, x0)
gpkit.small_scripts.results_table(data, title, minval=0, printunits=True, fixedcols=True, varfmt='%s : ', valfmt='%-.4g ', vecfmt='%-8.3g')

Pretty string representation of a dict of VarKeys Iterable values are handled specially (partial printing)

data: dict whose keys are VarKey’s
data to represent in table

title: string minval: float

skip values with all(abs(value)) < minval

printunits: bool fixedcols: bool

if True, print rhs (val, units, label) in fixed-width cols
varfmt: string
format for variable names
valfmt: string
format for scalar values
vecfmt: string
format for vector values
gpkit.small_scripts.sort_and_simplify(exps, cs)

Reduces the number of monomials, and casts them to a sorted form.

gpkit.small_scripts.unitstr(units, into='%s', options='~', dimless='-')


Module containing the substitution function

gpkit.substitution.getsubs(varkeys, varlocs, substitutions)
gpkit.substitution.substitution(varlocs, varkeys, exps, cs, substitutions, val=None)

Efficient substituton into a list of monomials.

varlocs : dict
Dictionary mapping variables to lists of monomial indices.
exps : Iterable of dicts
Dictionary mapping variables to exponents, for each monomial.
cs : list
Coefficient for each monomial.
substitutions : dict
Substitutions to apply to the above.
val : number (optional)
Used to substitute singlet variables.
varlocs_ : dict
Dictionary of monomial indexes for each variable.
exps_ : dict
Dictionary of variable exponents for each monomial.
cs_ : list
Coefficients each monomial.
subs_ : dict
Substitutions to apply to the above.
gpkit.substitution.vectorsub(subs, var, sub, varset)

Vectorized substitution