
iPython Notebook Examples

More examples, including some in-depth and experimental models, can be seen on nbviewer.

A Trivial GP

The most trivial GP we can think of: minimize \(x\) subject to the constraint \(x \ge 1\).

from gpkit import Variable, Model

# Decision variable
x = Variable('x')

# Constraint
constraints = [x >= 1]

# Objective (to minimize)
objective = x

# Formulate the Model
m = Model(objective, constraints)

# Solve the Model
sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)

# print selected results
print("Optimal cost:  %s" % sol['cost'])
print("Optimal x val: %s" % sol(x))

Of course, the optimal value is 1. Output:

Optimal cost:  1.0
Optimal x val: 1.0

Maximizing the Volume of a Box

This example comes from Section 2.4 of the GP tutorial, by S. Boyd et. al.

from gpkit import Variable, Model

# Parameters
alpha = Variable("alpha", 2, "-", "lower limit, wall aspect ratio")
beta = Variable("beta", 10, "-", "upper limit, wall aspect ratio")
gamma = Variable("gamma", 2, "-", "lower limit, floor aspect ratio")
delta = Variable("delta", 10, "-", "upper limit, floor aspect ratio")
A_wall = Variable("A_{wall}", 200, "m^2", "upper limit, wall area")
A_floor = Variable("A_{floor}", 50, "m^2", "upper limit, floor area")

# Decision variables
h = Variable("h", "m", "height")
w = Variable("w", "m", "width")
d = Variable("d", "m", "depth")

constraints = [A_wall >= 2*h*w + 2*h*d,
               A_floor >= w*d,
               h/w >= alpha,
               h/w <= beta,
               d/w >= gamma,
               d/w <= delta]

#Objective function
V = h*w*d
objective = 1/V  # To maximize V, we minimize its reciprocal

# Formulate the Model
m = Model(objective, constraints)

# Solve the Model and print the results table
sol = m.solve(verbosity=1)

The output is

 0.003674 [1/m**3] 

Free Variables
d : 8.17   [m] depth 
h : 8.163  [m] height
w : 4.081  [m] width 

A_{floor} : 50   [m**2] upper limit, floor area        
 A_{wall} : 200  [m**2] upper limit, wall area         
    alpha : 2           lower limit, wall aspect ratio 
     beta : 10          upper limit, wall aspect ratio 
    delta : 10          upper limit, floor aspect ratio
    gamma : 2           lower limit, floor aspect ratio

A_{wall} : -1.5 upper limit, wall area        
   alpha : 0.5  lower limit, wall aspect ratio

Water Tank

Say we had a fixed mass of water we wanted to contain within a tank, but also wanted to minimize the cost of the material we had to purchase (i.e. the surface area of the tank):

from gpkit import Variable, VectorVariable, Model
M   = Variable("M", 100, "kg", "Mass of Water in the Tank")
rho = Variable("\\rho", 1000, "kg/m^3", "Density of Water in the Tank")
A   = Variable("A", "m^2", "Surface Area of the Tank")
V   = Variable("V", "m^3", "Volume of the Tank")
d   = VectorVariable(3, "d", "m", "Dimension Vector")

constraints = (A >= 2*(d[0]*d[1] + d[0]*d[2] + d[1]*d[2]),
               V == d[0]*d[1]*d[2],
               M == V*rho)

m = Model(A, constraints)
sol = m.solve(verbosity=1)

The output is

 1.293 [m**2] 

Free Variables
A : 1.293                             [m**2] Surface Area of the Tank
V : 0.1                               [m**3] Volume of the Tank      
d : [ 0.464     0.464     0.464    ]  [m]    Dimension Vector        

   M : 100   [kg]      Mass of Water in the Tank   
\rho : 1000  [kg/m**3] Density of Water in the Tank

   M : 0.6667  Mass of Water in the Tank   
\rho : -0.6667 Density of Water in the Tank

Simple Wing

This example comes from Section 3 of Geometric Programming for Aircraft Design Optimization, by W. Hoburg and P. Abbeel.

The output is

Using solver 'cvxopt'
Solving for 9 variables.
Solving took 0.0492 seconds.


Free Variables
  A : 12.7              Aspect ratio             
C_D : 0.0231            Drag coefficient         
C_L : 0.6512            Lift coefficient         
C_f : 0.003857          Skin friction coefficient
 Re : 2.598e+06         Reynolds number          
  S : 12.08      [m**2] Wing planform area       
  V : 38.55      [m/s]  Cruise velocity          
  W : 7189       [N]    Total aircraft weight    
W_w : 2249       [N]    Wing weight              

          (CDA_0) : 0.0306    [m**2]    Fuselage drag area              
        C_{L,max} : 2                   Maximum C_L, flaps down         
         N_{lift} : 2.5                 Ultimate load factor            
          V_{min} : 22        [m/s]     Desired landing speed           
              W_0 : 4940      [N]       Aircraft weight excluding wing  
\frac{S_{wet}}{S} : 2.05                Wetted area ratio               
              \mu : 1.78e-05  [kg/m/s]  Viscosity of air                
             \rho : 1.23      [kg/m**3] Density of air                  
             \tau : 0.12                Airfoil thickness-to-chord ratio
             cww1 : 45.42     [N/m**2]  Wing weight area factor         
             cww2 : 8.71e-05  [1/m]     Wing weight bending factor      
                e : 0.96                Oswald efficiency factor        
                k : 1.2                 Form factor                     

          (CDA_0) : 0.1097  Fuselage drag area              
        C_{L,max} : -0.1307 Maximum C_L, flaps down         
         N_{lift} : 0.2923  Ultimate load factor            
          V_{min} : -0.2614 Desired landing speed           
              W_0 : 0.9953  Aircraft weight excluding wing  
\frac{S_{wet}}{S} : 0.4108  Wetted area ratio               
              \mu : 0.08217 Viscosity of air                
             \rho : -0.1718 Density of air                  
             \tau : -0.2923 Airfoil thickness-to-chord ratio
             cww1 : 0.09428 Wing weight area factor         
             cww2 : 0.2923  Wing weight bending factor      
                e : -0.4795 Oswald efficiency factor        
                k : 0.4108  Form factor                     

Simple Beam

In this example we consider a beam subjected to a uniformly distributed transverse force along its length. The beam has fixed geometry so we are not optimizing its shape, rather we are simply solving a discretization of the Euler-Bernoulli beam bending equations using GP.

A simple beam example with fixed geometry. Solves the discretized
Euler-Bernoulli beam equations for a constant distributed load
import numpy as np
from gpkit.shortcuts import *

def beam(N=10, L=5., EI=1E4, P=100):

    dx = Var("dx", L/(N-1), units="m")
    EI = Var("EI", EI, units="N*m^2")

    p = Vec(N, "p", units="N/m", label="Distributed load")
    p = p.sub(p, P*np.ones(N))

    V  = Vec(N, "V", units="N", label="Internal shear")
    M  = Vec(N, "M", units="N*m", label="Internal moment")
    th = Vec(N, "th", units="-", label="Slope")
    w  = Vec(N, "w", units="m", label="Displacement")

    eps = 1E-16 #an arbitrarily small positive number

    substitutions = {var: eps for var in [V[-1], M[-1], th[0], w[0]]}

    objective = w[-1]

    constraints = [V.left[1:N]     >= V[1:N]    + 0.5*dx*(p.left[1:N]    + p[1:N]),
                   M.left[1:N]     >= M[1:N]    + 0.5*dx*(V.left[1:N]    + V[1:N]),
                   th.right[0:N-1] >= th[0:N-1] + 0.5*dx*(M.right[0:N-1] + M[0:N-1])/EI,
                   w.right[0:N-1]  >= w[0:N-1]  + 0.5*dx*(th.right[0:N-1]+ th[0:N-1])

    return Model(objective, constraints, substitutions)

N = 10 #  [-] grid size
L = 5. #   [m] beam length
EI = 1E4 # [N*m^2] elastic modulus * area moment of inertia
P = 100 #  [N/m] magnitude of distributed load

m = beam(N, L, EI, P)
sol = m.solve(verbosity=1)

x = np.linspace(0, L, N) # position along beam
w_gp = sol("w") # deflection along beam
w_exact =  P/(24.*EI)* x**2 * (x**2  - 4*L*x + 6*L**2) # analytical soln

assert max(abs(w_gp - w_exact)) <= 1e-2

PLOT = False
if PLOT:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    x_exact = np.linspace(0, L, 1000)
    w_exact =  P/(24.*EI)* x_exact**2 * (x_exact**2  - 4*L*x_exact + 6*L**2)
    plt.plot(x, w_gp, color='red', linestyle='solid', marker='^',
    plt.plot(x_exact, w_exact, color='blue', linestyle='dashed')
    plt.xlabel('x [m]')
    plt.ylabel('Deflection [m]')
    plt.legend(['GP solution', 'Analytical solution'])

The output is

 0.7813 [m] 

Free Variables
 M : [ 1.25e+03  988       756       556      ... ]  [N*m] Internal moment
 V : [ 500       444       389       333      ... ]  [N]   Internal shear 
th : [  -        0.0622    0.111     0.147    ... ]        Slope          
 w : [  -        0.0173    0.0653    0.137    ... ]  [m]   Displacement   

EI : 1e+04                                           [N*m**2]                
dx : 0.5556                                          [m]                     
 M : [  -         -         -         -       ... ]  [N*m]    Internal moment
 V : [  -         -         -         -       ... ]  [N]      Internal shear 
th : [ 1e-16      -         -         -       ... ]           Slope          
 w : [ 1e-16      -         -         -       ... ]  [m]      Displacement   

EI : -1 
dx : 4  

By plotting the deflection, we can see that the agreement between the analytical solution and the GP solution is good.