
For an alphabetical listing of all commands, check out the Index

Submodules module

Finds solvers, sets gpkit settings, and builds gpkit



CVXopt finder.


Attempts to import mskexpopt.

name = 'cvxopt'


MOSEK finder and builder.


Builds a dynamic library to GPKITBUILD or $HOME/.gpkit


Looks in default install locations for latest mosek version.

name = 'mosek'
patches = {'dgopt.c': {' printf("Number of Hessian non-zeros: %d\\n",nlh[0]->numhesnz);': ' MSK_echotask(task,MSK_STREAM_MSG,"Number of Hessian non-zeros: %d\\n",nlh[0]->numhesnz);'}, 'expopt.c': {' printf("Warning: The variable with index \'%d\' has only negative coefficients akj.\\n The problem is possibly ill-posed.\\n",i); ': ' MSK_echotask(expopttask,MSK_STREAM_MSG, "Warning: The variable with index \'%d\' has only negative coefficients akj.\\n The problem is possibly ill-posed.\\n",i);', ' printf ("solsta = %d, prosta = %d\\n", (int)*solsta,(int)*prosta);': ' MSK_echotask(expopttask,MSK_STREAM_MSG, "solsta = %d, prosta = %d\\n", (int)*solsta,(int)*prosta);', ' printf("Warning: The variable with index \'%d\' has only positive coefficients akj.\\n The problem is possibly ill-posed.\\n.\\n",i); ': ' MSK_echotask(expopttask,MSK_STREAM_MSG, "Warning: The variable with index \'%d\' has only positive coefficients akj.\\n The problem is possibly ill-posed.\\n.\\n",i);'}}


MOSEK command line interface finder.


Attempts to run mskexpopt.

name = 'mosek_cli'

Bases: object

Inheritable class for finding solvers. Logs.

build = None
installed = False
look = None
name = None

Builds GPkit

Calls subprocess. Logs., diff_dict)

Applies a simple diff to a file. Logs.

Returns true if there’s a file at $path. Logs.*args)

Print a line and append it to the log string.*args)

Join paths, collating multiple arguments.

Replaces directory at $path. Logs.

gpkit.exceptions module

GPkit-specific Exception classes

exception gpkit.exceptions.InvalidGPConstraint

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when a non-GP-compatible constraint is used in a GP

gpkit.feasibility module

Module for assessing feasibility of GPs and SPs

gpkit.feasibility.feasibility_model(program, flavour='max', varname=None, constants=None, signomials=None, programType=None)

Returns a new GP for the closest feasible point of the current GP.

flavour : str

Specifies the objective function minimized in the search:

“max” (default) : Apply the same slack to all constraints and
minimize that slack. Described in Eqn. 10 of [Boyd2007].
“product” : Apply a unique slack to all constraints and minimize
the product of those slack variables.. Useful for identifying the most problematic constraints. Described in Eqn. 11 of [Boyd2007]
“constants” : Slack the constants of a problem and minimize the product
of those slack variables.
varname : str
LaTeX name of slack variables.
program : Program of the same type as the input
(Model, GeometricProgram, or SignomialProgram)

[Boyd2007] : “A tutorial on geometric programming”, Optim Eng 8:67-122

gpkit.geometric_program module

Implement the GeometricProgram class

class gpkit.geometric_program.GeometricProgram(cost, constraints, substitutions=None, verbosity=1)


Standard mathematical representation of a GP.

cost : Constraint
Posynomial to minimize when solving
constraints : list of Posynomials

Constraints to maintain when solving (implicitly Posynomials <= 1) GeometricProgram does not accept equality constraints (e.g. x == 1);

instead use two inequality constraints (e.g. x <= 1, 1/x <= 1)
verbosity : int (optional)
If verbosity is greater than zero, warns about missing bounds on creation.

solver_out and solver_log are set during a solve result is set at the end of a solve if solution status is optimal

>>> gp = gpkit.geometric_program.GeometricProgram(
                    # minimize
                    [   # subject to
                        1/x  # <= 1, implicitly
>>> gp.solve()
check_solution(cost, primal, nu, la, tol=1e-05)

Run a series of checks to mathematically confirm sol solves this GP

cost: float
cost returned by solver
primal: list
primal solution returned by solver
nu: numpy.ndarray
monomial lagrange multiplier
la: numpy.ndarray
posynomial lagrange multiplier

RuntimeWarning, if any problems are found


LaTeX representation of a GeometricProgram.

solve(solver=None, verbosity=1, *args, **kwargs)

Solves a GeometricProgram and returns the solution.

solver : str or function (optional)
By default uses one of the solvers found during installation. If set to “mosek”, “mosek_cli”, or “cvxopt”, uses that solver. If set to a function, passes that function cs, A, p_idxs, and k.
verbosity : int (optional)
If greater than 0, prints solver name and solve time.
*args, **kwargs :
Passed to solver constructor and solver function.
result : dict

A dictionary containing the translated solver result; keys below.

cost : float
The value of the objective at the solution.
variables : dict
The value of each variable at the solution.
sensitivities : dict
monomials : array of floats
Each monomial’s dual variable value at the solution.
posynomials : array of floats
Each posynomials’s dual variable value at the solution.
gpkit.geometric_program.genA(exps, varlocs)

Generates A matrix from exps and varlocs

exps : list of Hashvectors
Exponents for each monomial in a GP
varlocs : dict
Locations of each variable in exps
A : sparse Cootmatrix
Exponents of the various free variables for each monomial: rows of A are monomials, columns of A are variables.
missingbounds : dict
Keys: variables that lack bounds. Values: which bounds are missed.

gpkit.keydict module

Implements KeyDict and KeySet classes

class gpkit.keydict.KeyDict(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

KeyDicts allow storing and accessing the same value with multiple keys

A KeyDict keeps an internal list of VarKeys as canonical keys, but allows accessing their values with any object whose key attribute matches one of those VarKeys, or with strings who match any of the multiple possible string interpretations of each key.

Creating a KeyDict: >>>> kd = gpkit.keydict.KeyDict()

Now kd[x] can be set, where x is any gpkit Variable or VarKey. __getitem__ is such that kd[x] can be accessed using:

  • x
  • x.key
  • (a string)
  • “x_modelname” (x’s name including modelname)

In addition, if collapse_arrays is True then VarKeys which have a shape parameter (indicating they are part of an array) are stored as numpy arrays, and automatically de-indexed when a matching VarKey with a particular idx parameter is used as a key.

Note that if a item is set using a key that does not have a .key attribute, that key can be set and accessed normally.

See also: gpkit/tests/

collapse_arrays = True

Returns key if key had one, and veckey/idx for indexed veckeys.

update(*args, **kwargs)

Iterates through the dictionary created by args and kwargs

class gpkit.keydict.KeySet(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gpkit.keydict.KeyDict

KeySets are KeyDicts without values, serving only to filter and map keys


Adds an item to the keyset

collapse_arrays = False
update(*args, **kwargs)

Iterates through the dictionary created by args and kwargs

gpkit.modified_ctypesgen module

gpkit.repr_conventions module

Repository for representation standards

gpkit.small_classes module

Miscellaneous small classes

class gpkit.small_classes.CootMatrix

Bases: gpkit.small_classes.CootMatrix

A very simple sparse matrix representation.

append(row, col, data)

Appends entry to matrix.


Returns dot product with arg.

shape = None

Converts to another type of matrix.


Converts to another type of matrix.


Converts to a Scipy sparse csr_matrix


Converts to another type of matrix.


Converts to another type of matrix.


Converts to another type of matrix.


alias of CootMatrix

class gpkit.small_classes.DictOfLists

Bases: dict

A hierarchy of dicionaries, with lists at the bottom.


Appends a dict (of dicts) of lists to all held lists.


Indexes into each list independently.

to_united_array(unitless_keys=(), united=False)

Converts all lists into array, potentially grabbing units from keys.

class gpkit.small_classes.HashVector(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

A simple, sparse, string-indexed vector. Inherits from dict.

The HashVector class supports element-wise arithmetic: any undeclared variables are assumed to have a value of zero.

arg : iterable

>>> x = gpkit.nomials.Monomial('x')
>>> exp = gpkit.small_classes.HashVector({x: 2})
class gpkit.small_classes.SolverLog(verbosity=0, output=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: list

Adds a write method to list so it’s file-like and can replace stdout.


Append and potentially write the new line.


Generates conversion function.

gpkit.small_scripts module

Assorted helper methods


Determines if a given substitution indicates a sweep.


Returns latex string of numbers, potentially using exponential notation.


Return magnitude of a Number or Quantity

gpkit.small_scripts.nomial_latex_helper(c, pos_vars, neg_vars)

Combines (varlatex, exponent) tuples, separated by positive vs negative exponent, into a single latex string

gpkit.small_scripts.try_str_without(item, excluded)

Try to call item.str_without(excluded); fall back to str(item)

gpkit.small_scripts.unitstr(units, into='%s', options='~', dimless='-')

Returns the unitstr of a given object.


Return a veckey version of a VarKey

gpkit.solution_array module

Defines SolutionArray class

class gpkit.solution_array.SolutionArray

Bases: gpkit.small_classes.DictOfLists

A dictionary (of dictionaries) of lists, with convenience methods.

cost : array variables: dict of arrays sensitivities: dict containing:

monomials : array posynomials : array variables: dict of arrays
localmodels : NomialArray
Local power-law fits (small sensitivities are cut off)
>>> import gpkit
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = gpkit.Variable("x")
>>> x_min = gpkit.Variable("x_{min}", 2)
>>> sol = gpkit.Model(x, [x >= x_min]).solve(verbosity=0)
>>> # VALUES
>>> values = [sol(x), sol.subinto(x), sol["variables"]["x"]]
>>> assert all(np.array(values) == 2)
>>> senss = [sol.sens(x_min), sol.sens(x_min)]
>>> senss.append(sol["sensitivities"]["variables"]["x_{min}"])
>>> assert all(np.array(senss) == 1)
program = None

Returns NomialArray of each solution substituted into posy.

table(tables=('cost', 'sweepvariables', 'freevariables', 'constants', 'sensitivities'), latex=False, **kwargs)

A table representation of this SolutionArray

tables: Iterable
Which to print of (“cost”, “sweepvariables”, “freevariables”,
“constants”, “sensitivities”)

fixedcols: If true, print vectors in fixed-width format latex: int

If > 0, return latex format (options 1-3); otherwise plain text
included_models: Iterable of strings
If specified, the models (by name) to include
excluded_models: Iterable of strings
If specified, model names to exclude


table_titles = {'freevariables': 'Free Variables', 'variables': 'Variables', 'cost': 'Cost', 'sweepvariables': 'Sweep Variables', 'sensitivities': 'Sensitivities', 'constants': 'Constants'}
gpkit.solution_array.results_table(data, title, minval=0, printunits=True, fixedcols=True, varfmt='%s : ', valfmt='%-.4g ', vecfmt='%-8.3g', included_models=None, excluded_models=None, latex=False, sortbyvals=False)

Pretty string representation of a dict of VarKeys Iterable values are handled specially (partial printing)

data: dict whose keys are VarKey’s
data to represent in table

title: string minval: float

skip values with all(abs(value)) < minval

printunits: bool fixedcols: bool

if True, print rhs (val, units, label) in fixed-width cols
varfmt: string
format for variable names
valfmt: string
format for scalar values
vecfmt: string
format for vector values
latex: int
If > 0, return latex format (options 1-3); otherwise plain text
included_models: Iterable of strings
If specified, the models (by name) to include
excluded_models: Iterable of strings
If specified, model names to exclude
sortbyvals : boolean
If true, rows are sorted by their average value instead of by name.

gpkit.varkey module

Defines the VarKey class

class gpkit.varkey.Count

Bases: object

Like python 2’s itertools.count, for Python 3 compatibility.


Increment self.count and return it

class gpkit.varkey.VarKey(name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

An object to correspond to each ‘variable name’.

name : str, VarKey, or Monomial
Name of this Variable, or object to derive this Variable from.
**kwargs :
Any additional attributes, which become the descr attribute (a dict).

VarKey with the given name and descr.

eq_ignores = frozenset(['units', 'value'])

Returns latex representation.


Increment self.count and return it


Returns string without certain fields (such as ‘models’).

subscripts = ('models', 'idx')

Returns latex unitstr

Module contents

GP and SP Modeling Package

For examples please see the examples folder.


numpy MOSEK or CVXOPT scipy(optional): for complete sparse matrix support sympy(optional): for latex printing in iPython Notebook


settings : dict
Contains settings loaded from ./env/settings
class gpkit.GPkitUnits

Bases: object

Return monomials instead of Quantitites

class gpkit.SignomialsEnabled

Bases: object

Class to put up and tear down signomial support in an instance of GPkit.

>>> import gpkit
>>> x = gpkit.Variable("x")
>>> y = gpkit.Variable("y", 0.1)
>>> with SignomialsEnabled():
>>>     constraints = [x >= 1-y]
>>> gpkit.Model(x, constraints).localsolve()

Disables units support in a particular instance of GPkit.

Posynomials created after calling this are incompatible with those created before.

If gpkit is imported multiple times, this needs to be run each time.

The correct way to call this is:
import gpkit gpkit.disable_units()
The following will not have the intended effect:
from gpkit import disable_units disable_units()

Enables units support in a particular instance of GPkit.

Posynomials created after calling this are incompatible with those created before.

If gpkit is imported multiple times, this needs to be run each time.


Load the settings file at SETTINGS_PATH; return settings dict