Installation Instructions

If you encounter any bugs during installation, please email gpkit at

Mac OS X

1. Install Python and build dependencies

  • Install the Python 2.7 version of Anaconda. - Check that Anaconda is installed: in a Terminal window, run python and check that the version string it prints while starting includes “Anaconda”.

    • If it does not, check that the Anaconda location in .profile in your home directory (you can run vim ~/.profile to read it) corresponds to the location of your Anaconda folder; if it doesn’t, move the Anaconda folder there, and check again in the python startup header.
  • If you don’t want to install Anaconda, you’ll need gcc, pip, numpy, and scipy, and may find iPython Notebook useful as a modeling environment.

  • If which gcc does not return anything, install the Apple Command Line Tools.

  • Optional: to install gpkit into an isolated python environment you can create a new conda virtual environment with conda create -n gpkit anaconda and activate it with source activate gpkit.

  • Run pip install ctypesgen --pre in the Terminal if you want to use a MOSEK solver.

2. Install either the MOSEK or CVXOPT GP solvers

3. Install GPkit

  • Run pip install gpkit at the command line.
  • Run python -c "import gpkit.tests;"
  • If you want units support, install pint with pip install pint.


1. Install either the MOSEK or CVXOPT GP solvers

2. Install GPkit

  • _Optional:_ to install gpkit into an isolated python environment, install virtualenv, run virtualenv $DESTINATION_DIR then activate it with source activate $DESTINATION_DIR/bin.
  • Run pip install ctypesgen --pre at the command line if you want to use a MOSEK solver.
  • Run pip install gpkit at the command line.
  • Run python -c "import gpkit.tests;"
  • If you want units support, install pint with pip install pint.
  • You may find iPython Notebook to be useful modeling environment.


1. Install Python dependencies

  • Install the Python 2.7 version of Anaconda.
  • If you don’t want to install Anaconda, you’ll need gcc, pip, numpy, and scipy, and may find iPython Notebook useful as a modeling environment.
  • Optional: to install gpkit into an isolated python environment you can create a new conda virtual environment with conda create -n gpkit anaconda and activate it with source activate gpkit.
  • Run pip install ctypesgen --pre at an Anaconda Command Prompt if you want to use a MOSEK solver.

2. Install either the MOSEK or CVXOPT GP solvers

3. Install GPkit

  • Run pip install gpkit at an Anaconda Command Prompt.
  • Run python -c "import gpkit.tests;"
  • If you want units support, install pint with pip install pint.