Building Complex Models

Checking for result changes

Tracking the effects of changes to complex models can get out of hand; we recommend saving solutions with, then checking that new solutions are almost equivalent with sol1.almost_equal(sol2) and/or print sol1.diff(sol2), as shown below.

import cPickle as pickle
...  # build the model
sol = m.solve()
# uncomment the line below to verify a new model
last_verified_sol = pickle.load(open("last_verified.sol"))
if not sol.almost_equal(last_verified_sol, reltol=1e-3):
    print last_verified_sol.diff(sol)

# Note you can replace the last three lines above with
print sol.diff("last_verified.sol")
# if you don't mind doing the diff in that direction.

You can also check differences between swept solutions, or between a point solution and a sweep.

Inheriting from Model

GPkit encourages an object-oriented modeling approach, where the modeler creates objects that inherit from Model to break large systems down into subsystems and analysis domains. The benefits of this approach include modularity, reusability, and the ability to more closely follow mental models of system hierarchy. For example: two different models for a simple beam, designed by different modelers, should be able to be used interchangeably inside another subsystem (such as an aircraft wing) without either modeler having to write specifically with that use in mind.

When you create a class that inherits from Model, write a .setup() method to create the model’s variables and return its constraints. GPkit.Model.__init__ will call that method and automatically add your model’s name and unique ID to any created variables.

Variables created in a setup method are added to the model even if they are not present in any constraints. This allows for simplistic ‘template’ models, which assume constant values for parameters and can grow incrementally in complexity as those variables are freed.

At the end of this page a detailed example shows this technique in practice.

Accessing Variables in Models

GPkit provides several ways to access a Variable in a Model (or ConstraintSet):

  • using Model.variables_byname(key). This returns all Variables in the Model, as well as in any submodels, that match the key.
  • using Model.topvar(key). This returns the top-level Variable that matches the key. The Variable must appear at the top level, not in a submodel.
  • using Model.__getitem__. Model[key] returns the only variable matching the key, even if the match occurs in a submodel. If multiple variables match the key, an error is raised.

These methods are illustrated in the following example.

"Demo of accessing variables in models"
from gpkit import Model, Variable

class Battery(Model):
    """A simple battery

    Upper Unbounded

    Lower Unbounded

    def setup(self):
        h = Variable("h", 200, "Wh/kg", "specific energy")
        E = self.E = Variable("E", "MJ", "stored energy")
        m = self.m = Variable("m", "lb", "battery mass")
        return [E <= m*h]

class Motor(Model):
    """Electric motor

    Upper Unbounded

    Lower Unbounded

    def setup(self):
        m = self.m = Variable("m", "lb", "motor mass")
        f = Variable("f", 20, "lb/hp", "mass per unit power")
        Pmax = self.Pmax = Variable("P_{max}", "hp", "max output power")
        return [m >= f*Pmax]

class PowerSystem(Model):
    """A battery powering a motor

    Upper Unbounded

    Lower Unbounded
    E, Pmax

    def setup(self):
        battery, motor = Battery(), Motor()
        components = [battery, motor]
        m = self.m = Variable("m", "lb", "mass")
        self.E = battery.E
        self.Pmax = motor.Pmax

        return [components,
                m >= sum(comp.m for comp in components)]

PS = PowerSystem()
print "Getting the only var 'E': ", PS["E"]
print "The top-level var 'm': ", PS.m
print "All the variables 'm': ", PS.variables_byname("m")
Getting the only var 'E':  E_PowerSystem/Battery [MJ]
The top-level var 'm':  m_PowerSystem [lb]
All the variables 'm':  [gpkit.Variable(m_PowerSystem [lb]), gpkit.Variable(m_PowerSystem/Battery [lb]), gpkit.Variable(m_PowerSystem/Motor [lb])]


gpkit.Vectorize creates an environment in which Variables are created with an additional dimension:

"from gpkit/tests/"

def test_shapes(self):
    with gpkit.Vectorize(3):
        with gpkit.Vectorize(5):
            y = gpkit.Variable("y")
            x = gpkit.VectorVariable(2, "x")
        z = gpkit.VectorVariable(7, "z")

    self.assertEqual(y.shape, (5, 3))
    self.assertEqual(x.shape, (2, 5, 3))
    self.assertEqual(z.shape, (7, 3))

This allows models written with scalar constraints to be created with vector constraints:

"Vectorization demonstration"
from gpkit import Model, Variable, Vectorize

class Test(Model):
    """A simple scalar model

    Upper Unbounded
    def setup(self):
        x = self.x = Variable("x")
        return [x >= 1]

print "SCALAR"
m = Test()
m.cost = m["x"]
print m.solve(verbosity=0).summary()

print "__________\n"
with Vectorize(3):
    m = Test()
m.cost = m["x"].prod()
m.append(m["x"][1] >= 2)
print m.solve(verbosity=0).summary()


Free Variables
x : 1

Tightest Constraints
    +1 : x >= 1




Free Variables
x : [ 1         2         1        ]

Tightest Constraints
    +1 : x_Test.1_(1,) >= 2

       | Test.1
    +1 : x__(0,) >= 1
    +1 : x__(2,) >= 1

Multipoint analysis modeling

In many engineering models, there is a physical object that is operated in multiple conditions. Some variables correspond to the design of the object (size, weight, construction) while others are vectorized over the different conditions (speed, temperature, altitude). By combining named models and vectorization we can create intuitive representations of these systems while maintaining modularity and interoperability.

In the example below, the models Aircraft and Wing have a .dynamic() method which creates instances of AircraftPerformance and WingAero, respectively. The Aircraft and Wing models create variables, such as size and weight without fuel, that represent a physical object. The dynamic models create properties that change based on the flight conditions, such as drag and fuel weight.

This means that when an aircraft is being optimized for a mission, you can create the aircraft (AC in this example) and then pass it to a Mission model which can create vectorized aircraft performance models for each flight segment and/or flight condition.

"""Modular aircraft concept"""
import cPickle as pickle
import numpy as np
from gpkit import Model, Vectorize, parse_variables

class AircraftP(Model):
    """Aircraft flight physics: weight <= lift, fuel burn

    Wfuel  [lbf]  fuel weight
    Wburn  [lbf]  segment fuel burn

    Upper Unbounded
    Wburn, aircraft.wing.c, aircraft.wing.A

    Lower Unbounded
    Wfuel, aircraft.W,

    def setup(self, aircraft, state):
        self.aircraft = aircraft
        self.state = state
        exec parse_variables(AircraftP.__doc__)

        self.wing_aero = aircraft.wing.dynamic(aircraft.wing, state)
        self.perf_models = [self.wing_aero]

        W = aircraft.W
        S = aircraft.wing.S

        V = state.V
        rho = state.rho

        D = self.wing_aero.D
        CL = self.wing_aero.CL

        return {
                W + Wfuel <= 0.5*rho*CL*S*V**2,
            "fuel burn rate":
                Wburn >= 0.1*D,

class Aircraft(Model):
    """The vehicle model

    W  [lbf]  weight

    Upper Unbounded

    Lower Unbounded
    wing.c, wing.S
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Aircraft.__doc__)
        self.fuse = Fuselage()
        self.wing = Wing()
        self.components = [self.fuse, self.wing]

        return {
            "definition of W":
                W >= sum(c.W for c in self.components),

    dynamic = AircraftP

class FlightState(Model):
    """Context for evaluating flight physics

    V     40       [knots]    true airspeed
    mu    1.628e-5 [N*s/m^2]  dynamic viscosity
    rho   0.74     [kg/m^3]   air density

    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(FlightState.__doc__)

class FlightSegment(Model):
    """Combines a context (flight state) and a component (the aircraft)

    Upper Unbounded
    Wburn, aircraft.wing.c, aircraft.wing.A

    Lower Unbounded
    Wfuel, aircraft.W

    def setup(self, aircraft):
        self.aircraft = aircraft

        self.flightstate = FlightState()
        self.aircraftp = aircraft.dynamic(aircraft, self.flightstate)

        self.Wburn = self.aircraftp.Wburn
        self.Wfuel = self.aircraftp.Wfuel

        return {"flightstate": self.flightstate,
                "aircraft performance": self.aircraftp}

class Mission(Model):
    """A sequence of flight segments

    Upper Unbounded
    aircraft.wing.c, aircraft.wing.A

    Lower Unbounded
    def setup(self, aircraft):
        self.aircraft = aircraft

        with Vectorize(4):  # four flight segments
            self.fs = FlightSegment(aircraft)

        Wburn = self.fs.aircraftp.Wburn
        Wfuel = self.fs.aircraftp.Wfuel
        self.takeoff_fuel = Wfuel[0]

        return {
            "definition of Wburn":
                Wfuel[:-1] >= Wfuel[1:] + Wburn[:-1],
            "require fuel for the last leg":
                Wfuel[-1] >= Wburn[-1],
            "flight segment":

class WingAero(Model):
    """Wing aerodynamics

    CD      [-]    drag coefficient
    CL      [-]    lift coefficient
    e   0.9 [-]    Oswald efficiency
    Re      [-]    Reynold's number
    D       [lbf]  drag force

    Upper Unbounded
    D, Re, wing.A,

    Lower Unbounded
    CL, wing.S,, state.rho, state.V
    def setup(self, wing, state):
        self.wing = wing
        self.state = state
        exec parse_variables(WingAero.__doc__)

        c = wing.c
        A = wing.A
        S = wing.S
        rho = state.rho
        V = state.V
        mu =

        return {
            "drag model":
                CD >= 0.074/Re**0.2 + CL**2/np.pi/A/e,
            "definition of Re":
                Re == rho*V*c/mu,
            "definition of D":
                D >= 0.5*rho*V**2*CD*S}

class Wing(Model):
    """Aircraft wing model

    W        [lbf]       weight
    S        [ft^2]      surface area
    rho    1 [lbf/ft^2]  areal density
    A     27 [-]         aspect ratio
    c        [ft]        mean chord

    Upper Unbounded

    Lower Unbounded
    c, S
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Wing.__doc__)
        return {"parametrization of wing weight":
                    W >= S*rho,
                "definition of mean chord":
                    c == (S/A)**0.5}

    dynamic = WingAero

class Fuselage(Model):
    """The thing that carries the fuel, engine, and payload

    A full model is left as an exercise for the reader.

    W  100 [lbf]  weight

    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Fuselage.__doc__)

AC = Aircraft()
MISSION = Mission(AC)
M = Model(MISSION.takeoff_fuel, [MISSION, AC])
sol = M.solve(verbosity=0)
# save solution to a file and retrieve it"solution.pkl")
sol_loaded = pickle.load(open("solution.pkl"))

vars_of_interest = set(AC.varkeys)
# note that there's two ways to access submodels
assert (MISSION["flight segment"]["aircraft performance"]
        is MISSION.fs.aircraftp)
print sol.summary(vars_of_interest)
print sol.table(tables=["loose constraints"])

MISSION["flight segment"]["aircraft performance"]["fuel burn rate"] = (
    MISSION.fs.aircraftp.Wburn >= 0.2*MISSION.fs.aircraftp.wing_aero.D)
sol = M.solve(verbosity=0)
print(sol.diff("solution.pkl", showvars=vars_of_interest, sortbymodel=False))

Note that the output table can be filtered with a list of variables to show.

 1.091 [lbf]

Free Variables
      | Aircraft
    W : 144.1                                       [lbf]   weight

      | Aircraft/Wing
    S : 44.14                                       [ft**2] surface area
    W : 44.14                                       [lbf]   weight
    c : 1.279                                       [ft]    mean chord

      | Mission/FlightSegment/AircraftP
Wburn : [ 0.274     0.273     0.272     0.272    ]  [lbf]   segment fuel burn
Wfuel : [ 1.09      0.817     0.544     0.272    ]  [lbf]   fuel weight

      | Mission/FlightSegment/AircraftP/WingAero
    D : [ 2.74      2.73      2.72      2.72     ]  [lbf]   drag force

    | Aircraft/Fuselage
  W : +0.97  weight

    | Aircraft/Wing
  A : -0.67  aspect ratio
rho : +0.43  areal density

Next Largest Sensitivities
    | Mission/FlightSegment/AircraftP/WingAero
  e : [ -0.18     -0.18     -0.18     -0.18    ] Oswald efficiency

    | Mission/FlightSegment/FlightState
  V : [ -0.22     -0.21     -0.21     -0.21    ] true airspeed
rho : [ -0.12     -0.11     -0.11     -0.11    ] air density

Tightest Constraints
       | Aircraft/Wing
  +3.4 : c_ = A_**-0.5*S_**0.5

       | Mission/FlightSegment/AircraftP/WingAero
  +3.4 : Re__(3,) = 0.157*V_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightState_(3,)*c_Aircraft/Wing
  +3.4 : Re__(2,) = 0.157*V_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightState_(2,)*c_Aircraft/Wing
  +3.4 : Re__(0,) = 0.157*V_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightState_(0,)*c_Aircraft/Wing
  +3.4 : Re__(1,) = 0.157*V_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightState_(1,)*c_Aircraft/Wing

All Loose Constraints
No constraints had a sensitivity below +1e-05.

Solution difference for variables given in `showvars`
(positive means the argument is bigger)
Wburn : [  -50.5%    -50.4%    -50.3%    -50.1%  ] segment fuel burn
Wfuel : [  -50.3%    -50.3%    -50.2%    -50.1%  ] fuel weight
    D : [   -1.1%      -.8%      -.5%      -.3%  ] drag force

Solution sensitivity delta for variables given in `showvars`
The largest sensitivity delta is  +.00451643