gpkit.nomials package


gpkit.nomials.array module

Module for creating NomialArray instances.


>>> x = gpkit.Monomial('x')
>>> px = gpkit.NomialArray([1, x, x**2])
class gpkit.nomials.array.NomialArray

Bases: numpy.ndarray

A Numpy array with elementwise inequalities and substitutions.

input_array : array-like

>>> px = gpkit.NomialArray([1, x, x**2])

Returns 1D latex list of contents.


Returns (0, self[0], self[1] … self[N-1])


Returns the array and argument’s outer product.


Returns ({padding}, self[0], self[1] … self[N])


Returns (self[0], self[1] … self[N], {padding})

prod(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a product. O(N) if no arguments and only contains monomials.


Returns (self[1], self[2] … self[N], 0)


Returns string without certain fields (such as ‘models’).

sub(subs, require_positive=True)

Substitutes into the array

sum(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a sum. O(N) if no arguments are given.


units must have same dimensions across the entire nomial array

vectorize(function, *args, **kwargs)

Apply a function to each terminal constraint, returning the array

gpkit.nomials.array.array_constraint(symbol, func)

Return function which creates constraints of the given operator.

gpkit.nomials.core module

The shared non-mathematical backbone of all Nomials

class gpkit.nomials.core.Nomial(hmap)


Shared non-mathematical properties of all nomials


Latex representation, parsing excluded just as .str_without does


Return self for compatibility with NomialArray


String representation, excluding fields (‘units’, varkey attributes)

sub = None

Return self for compatibility with NomialArray


Create new Signomial converted to new units

unitstr(into='%s', options='~', dimless='')

Returns the string corresponding to an object’s units.


Self, with values substituted for variables that have values

float, if no symbolic variables remain after substitution (Monomial, Posynomial, or Nomial), otherwise. module

Machinery for exps, cs, varlocs data – common to nomials and programs


Bases: object

Object for holding cs, exps, and other basic ‘nomial’ properties.

cs: array (coefficient of each monomial term) exps: tuple of {VarKey: float} (exponents of each monomial term) varlocs: {VarKey: list} (terms each variable appears in) units: pint.UnitsContainer


Create cs or return cached cs


Derivative of this with respect to a Variable

var (Variable):
Variable to take derivative with respect to



Create exps or return cached exps


The NomialData’s values, created when necessary.


The NomialData’s varkeys, created when necessary for a substitution.


Create varlocs or return cached varlocs module

Implements the NomialMap class


Bases: gpkit.small_classes.HashVector

Class for efficent algebraic represention of a nomial

A NomialMap is a mapping between hashvectors representing exponents and their coefficients in a posynomial.

For example, {{x : 1}: 2.0, {y: 1}: 3.0} represents 2*x + 3*y, where x and y are VarKey objects.

csmap = None

Differentiates a NomialMap with respect to a varkey

expmap = None

Maps substituted monomials back to the original nomial

self.expmap is the map from pre- to post-substitution exponents, and
takes the form {original_exp: new_exp}

self.csmap is the map from pre-substitution exponents to coefficients.

m_from_ms is of the form {new_exp: [old_exps, ]}

pmap is of the form [{orig_idx1: fraction1, orig_idx2: fraction2, }, ]
where at the index corresponding to each new_exp is a dictionary mapping the indices corresponding to the old exps to their fraction of the post-substitution coefficient

Removes zeroed exponents and monomials.

If only_check_cs is True, checks only whether any values are zero. If False also checks whether any exponents in the keys are zero.

sub(substitutions, varkeys, parsedsubs=False)

Applies substitutions to a NomialMap

substitutions : (dict-like)
list of substitutions to perform
varkeys : (set-like)
varkeys that are present in self (required argument so as to require efficient code)
parsedsubs : bool
flag if the substitutions have already been parsed to contain only keys in varkeys

Returns a new NomialMap of the given units

units = None
units_of_product(thing, thing2=None)

Sets units to those of thing*thing2, exp, o_exp, vk, cval, expval, exps_covered)

Modifies cp by substituing cval/expval for vk in exp

gpkit.nomials.math module

Signomial, Posynomial, Monomial, Constraint, & MonoEQCOnstraint classes

class gpkit.nomials.math.Monomial(hmap=None, cs=1, require_positive=True, **descr)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.math.Posynomial

A Posynomial with only one term

Same as Signomial. Note: Monomial historically supported several different init formats

These will be deprecated in the future, replaced with a single __init__ syntax, same as Signomial.

Creates c or returns a cached c


Creates exp or returns a cached exp


Monomial approximation about a point x0

x0 (dict):
point to monomialize about

Monomial (unless self(x0) < 0, in which case a Signomial is returned)

class gpkit.nomials.math.MonomialEquality(left, oper, right)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.math.PosynomialInequality

A Constraint of the form Monomial == Monomial.


Tags posynomials for dual feasibility checking

sens_from_dual(la, nu, result)

Returns the variable/constraint sensitivities from lambda/nu

class gpkit.nomials.math.Posynomial(hmap=None, cs=1, require_positive=True, **descr)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.math.Signomial

A Signomial with strictly positive cs

Same as Signomial. Note: Posynomial historically supported several different init formats

These will be deprecated in the future, replaced with a single __init__ syntax, same as Signomial.

Monomial lower bound at a point x0

x0 (dict):
point to make lower bound exact


class gpkit.nomials.math.PosynomialInequality(left, oper, right)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.math.ScalarSingleEquationConstraint

A constraint of the general form monomial >= posynomial Stored in the posylt1_rep attribute as a single Posynomial (self <= 1) Usually initialized via operator overloading, e.g. cc = (y**2 >= 1 + x)

as_gpconstr(x0, substitutions)

The GP version of a Posynomial constraint is itself


Returns the posys <= 1 representation of this constraint.

sens_from_dual(la, nu, result)

Returns the variable/constraint sensitivities from lambda/nu

class gpkit.nomials.math.ScalarSingleEquationConstraint(left, oper, right)

Bases: gpkit.constraints.single_equation.SingleEquationConstraint

A SingleEquationConstraint with scalar left and right sides.

nomials = []

Modifies the constraint in place with substitutions.

class gpkit.nomials.math.Signomial(hmap=None, cs=1, require_positive=True, **descr)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.core.Nomial

A representation of a Signomial.

exps: tuple of dicts
Exponent dicts for each monomial term
cs: tuple
Coefficient values for each monomial term
require_positive: bool
If True and Signomials not enabled, c <= 0 will raise ValueError

Signomial Posynomial (if the input has only positive cs) Monomial (if the input has one term and only positive cs)


Derivative of this with respect to a Variable

var (Variable): Variable to take derivative with respect to

Signomial (or Posynomial or Monomial)


Monomial approximation about a point x0

x0 (dict):
point to monomialize about

Monomial (unless self(x0) < 0, in which case a Signomial is returned)


Get the positive and negative parts, both as Posynomials

Posynomial, Posynomial:
p_pos and p_neg in (self = p_pos - p_neg) decomposition,
sub(substitutions, require_positive=True)

Returns a nomial with substitued values.

3 == (x**2 + y).sub({‘x’: 1, y: 2}) 3 == (x).gp.sub(x, 3)

substitutions : dict or key
Either a dictionary whose keys are strings, Variables, or VarKeys, and whose values are numbers, or a string, Variable or Varkey.
val : number (optional)
If the substitutions entry is a single key, val holds the value
require_positive : boolean (optional, default is True)
Controls whether the returned value can be a Signomial.

Returns substituted nomial.


Substitutes in place.

class gpkit.nomials.math.SignomialInequality(left, oper, right)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.math.ScalarSingleEquationConstraint

A constraint of the general form posynomial >= posynomial Stored internally (exps, cs) as a single Signomial (0 >= self) Usually initialized via operator overloading, e.g. cc = (y**2 >= 1 + x - y) Additionally retains input format (lhs vs rhs) in self.left and self.right Form is self.left >= self.right.


Returns monomial-greater-than sides, to be called after as_approxlt1


Returns posynomial-less-than sides of a signomial constraint

as_gpconstr(x0, substitutions=None)

Returns GP approximation of an SP constraint at x0


Returns the posys <= 1 representation of this constraint.

class gpkit.nomials.math.SingleSignomialEquality(left, right)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.math.SignomialInequality

A constraint of the general form posynomial == posynomial


Returns monomial-greater-than sides, to be called after as_approxlt1


Returns posynomial-less-than sides of a signomial constraint

as_gpconstr(x0, substitutions=None)

Returns GP approximation of an SP constraint at x0


Returns the posys <= 1 representation of this constraint.

gpkit.nomials.substitution module

Scripts to parse and collate substitutions

gpkit.nomials.substitution.append_sub(sub, keys, constants, sweep, linkedsweep)

Appends sub to constants, sweep, or linkedsweep.

gpkit.nomials.substitution.parse_subs(varkeys, substitutions, clean=False)

Seperates subs into constants, sweeps linkedsweeps actually present.

gpkit.nomials.variables module

Implement Variable and ArrayVariable classes

class gpkit.nomials.variables.ArrayVariable

Bases: gpkit.nomials.array.NomialArray

A described vector of singlet Monomials.

shape : int or tuple
length or shape of resulting array
*args :
may contain “name” (Strings)
“value” (Iterable) “units” (Strings + Quantity)

and/or “label” (Strings)

**descr :
VarKey description

NomialArray of Monomials, each containing a VarKey with name ‘$name_{i}’, where $name is the vector’s name and i is the VarKey’s index.

class gpkit.nomials.variables.Variable(*args, **descr)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.math.Monomial

A described singlet Monomial.

*args : list
may contain “name” (Strings)
“value” (Numbers + Quantity) or (Iterable) for a sweep “units” (Strings + Quantity)

and/or “label” (Strings)

**descr : dict
VarKey description

Monomials containing a VarKey with the name ‘$name’, where $name is the vector’s name and i is the VarKey’s index.

sub(*args, **kwargs)

Same as nomial substitution, but also allows single-argument calls

x = Variable(‘x’) assert x.sub(3) == Variable(‘x’, value=3)


Create new Signomial converted to new units

class gpkit.nomials.variables.VectorizableVariable(*args, **descr)

Bases: gpkit.nomials.variables.Variable, gpkit.nomials.variables.ArrayVariable

A Variable outside a vectorized environment, an ArrayVariable within.

gpkit.nomials.variables.veclinkedfn(linkedfn, i)

Generate an indexed linking function.

Module contents

Contains nomials, inequalities, and arrays